Thursday 16 January 2014

Its hot!

Little ole' Tassie is experience a bit of a heat wave - like many other parts of Australia.  It goes from one extreme to another!  We are having temps in the mid to high 30's which is hot!  I know this doesn't sound hot to some, and today I found this and thought I would share:

Needless to say, I have the air-con cranking in the shop this week and its been wonderful!!


Anonymous said...

yes i seen that and how interesting,i also think of tassie being cold,lol,have a lovely day sarah.xx

Christine said...

Sure is hot .. don't like it very much! Especially as it was freezing a fortnight ago!

2paw said...

Thank you, yes. I am always telling people that!!! We are sweltering right now in Launceston and it won't be cool till after the weekend really. You are lucky to have the air-con!!!

Roseanne said...

Shore is hot hot hot I had sweat pouring of my face while I was in the sewing room puting the binding on a quilt.

Susan said...

Hopefully it will pass soon - at least Brisbane is cooler than the southern states - for now...but the humidity is the killer here.
I feel sorry for the tennis players...especially the european ones.